Did you know now that you've posted "666" times, that identifies you as the "antichrist"?
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
Did you know now that you've posted "666" times, that identifies you as the "antichrist"?
<i posted this on the "two down and counting" thread, but figured it would be seen here.. for those of you who did not see the thread, utopian reformist said:.
earlier reagan o'connor stated that internal and external terrorist groups should be examined equally and treated in the same manner.. while i agree with the statement, i disagree with the sampling of internal terrorist she included in her statement.. the kkk and aryan nation can and should be considered terrorists.
burning crosses, public lynchings and hate mobs should be obvious to all.
Can Ms. O'Connor or any of her scholarly references name an episode of violence against the white majority that was organized and executed by members of the BPP?
Other than paranoia and fear on the part of white society, FBI and the government, what other basis did opponents of the BPP have as a foundation? What is the outspoken resolve to finally begin defending onself (a constitutional right) against the KKK?
Nothing is more insulting and irritating to ethnic people than to have white americans characterize, classify and categorize who we are, who we're supposed to be, who we were and who we're going to be.....
this weekend in texas a man from over their was killed.
only reason the way he looked.
in mesa az.
My reply to Ms. O'Connor's "white" references are in her new thread.
Perhaps she may consult inside sources for a change before quoting references from politically motivated critics.
<i posted this on the "two down and counting" thread, but figured it would be seen here.. for those of you who did not see the thread, utopian reformist said:.
earlier reagan o'connor stated that internal and external terrorist groups should be examined equally and treated in the same manner.. while i agree with the statement, i disagree with the sampling of internal terrorist she included in her statement.. the kkk and aryan nation can and should be considered terrorists.
burning crosses, public lynchings and hate mobs should be obvious to all.
Thank you for posting your TRUTHFUL and UNBIASED "white" references and sources about the BPP. Did you think I was expecting any less of a response?
I knew your sources before you quoted. Typical revisionist, biased, mass media, paranoid stylings about any organized african american entity. It was exactly what I expected. Why would a white american consult black sources about a piece of black history? I am not impressed or swayed, even when the sources contain false testimony and falsified accounts provided by FBI informants and FBI moles planted in exchange for immunity from other offenses.
Something you might consider......
The Black Panther Party was a progressive political organization that stood in the vanguard of the most powerful movement for social change in America since the Revolution of 1776 and the Civil War: that dynamic episode generally referred to as The Sixties. It is the sole black organization in the entire history of black struggle against slavery and oppression in the United States that was armed and promoted a revolutionary agenda, and it represents the last great thrust by the mass of black people for equality, justice and freedom.
The Party's ideals and activities were so radical, it was at one time assailed by FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover as "the greatest threat to the internal security of the United States." And, despite the demise of the Party, its history and lessons remain so challenging and controversial that established texts and media would erase all reference to the Party from American history.
The Black Panther Party was the manifestation of the vision of Huey P. Newton, the seventh son of a Louisiana family transplanted to Oakland, California. In October of 1966, in the wake of the assassination of black leader Malcolm X and on the heels of the massive black, urban uprising in Watts, California and at the height of the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Newton gathered a few of his longtime friends, including Bobby Seale and David Hilliard, and developed a skeletal outline for this organization. It was named, originally, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. The black panther was used as the symbol because it was a powerful image, one that had been used effectively by the shortlived voting rights group the Lowndes County (Alabama) Freedom Organization. The term "self defense" was employed to distinguish the Party's philosophy from the dominant nonviolent theme of the civil rights movement, and in homage to the civil rights group the Louisiana based Deacons for Defense. These two, symbolic references were, however, where all similarity between the Black Panther Party and other black organizations of the time, the civil rights groups and black power groups, ended.
Immediately, the leadership of the embryonic Party outlined a Ten Point Platform and Program (see the end of this article for full text). This Platform & Program articulated the fundamental wants and needs, and called for a redress of the longstanding grievances, of the black masses in America, still alienated from society and oppressed despite the abolition of slavery at the end of the Civil War. Moreover, this Platform & Program was a manifesto that demanded the express needs be met and oppression of blacks be ended immediately, a demand for the right to self defense, by a revolutionary ideology and by the commitment of the membership of the Black Panther Party to promote its agenda for fundamental change in America.
1. To Die for the People, by Huey P. Newton
2. Revolutionary Suicide, by Huey P. Newton
3. This Side of Glory, by David Hilliard (Little, Brown, 1993)
4. A Taste of Power, by Elaine Brown (Pantheon, 1993)
5. In Search of Common Ground, by Dr. Erik Erikson and Huey P. Newton
6. LEGACY OF THE PANTHERS, a photographic edition.
Try examining the BPP from the inside, before swearing by the politically motivated examinations of outside critics. Just a thought!
By the way, what is YOUR educational background? Graduate, Doctoral Candidate? What is your profession? Are you "unionized" by chance?
(Let's see if making an assertion about the irish connotations concerning labor unions and corruption can anger Ms. O'Connor - wonder how she feels about taking liberties with people's history)
go to or click on reviews at the blue alexa box at the bottom of the page - i already left a review and marked it as a 5 star site.
i think simon is doing a bang up job - remember - comments are controlled by us, not simon.
Thx again Moe! I placed my vote.
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
First of all, "YOU KNOW" is forgetting that the markets were already over inflated from technology bubbles which were going to collapse-some instantly and some gradually.
Now, the gradual trend has been a decline. But, it is EXPECTED as the markets adjust and return to their normal operating indices.
The very same airline stocks which are now plummeting, will eventually result in mergers and acquisitions later, when solvent players act. Also, while BOEING is declining, it will later enjoy a repsectable increase when wartime production begins and defense spending increases tenfold.
ok.....i am a search engine freak.......... read this and look at the use of the pictures.....interesting..... *
for those of who don't care for a counter strike or killing those who committed this horrendous crime - how would you go about stopping terrorisim and punish the wrongdoers if you were president?.
Thanks Moe! I always proceed with caution. This has the potential to ruin the planet if not handled correctly.
this weekend in texas a man from over their was killed.
only reason the way he looked.
in mesa az.
Earlier Reagan O'Connor stated that internal and external terrorist groups should be examined equally and treated in the same manner.
While I agree with the statement, I disagree with the sampling of internal terrorist she included in her statement.
The KKK and Aryan Nation can and should be considered terrorists. Burning crosses, public lynchings and hate mobs should be obvious to all. But you mentioned "Black Panthers". How much research (if any) have you invested in this group?
Do you know anything about them? Or do they simply appear militant because of their name and because they were black and outspoken critics of our society and government in the 60's?
Check your research.
for those of who don't care for a counter strike or killing those who committed this horrendous crime - how would you go about stopping terrorisim and punish the wrongdoers if you were president?.
I posted this in a new thread. I am sorry, it looks like yours was started first. Well, here is my idea:
A Balanced Strategy to Eradicate "Identified" Terrorists & Hosts
1.) The entire coalition SEIZE AND FREEZE ALL FINANCIAL assets of the following terrorist hosts:
SYRIA / YEMEN / United Arab Emirates / IRAN / IRAQ / SUDAN / Afghanistan
2.) DETAIN ALL DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL from each host country.
3.) DENY ALL VISAS to applicants from host countries and DEPORT tourists.
4.) Implement immediate economic sanctions affecting each host country
5.) Establish immediate NO-FLY ZONES over each host country and implement full NAVAL BLOCKADES of all ports.
6.) Forward ULTIMATUMS to all hosts notifying them that the International Coalition DEMANDS the immediate surrender of all known terorrists operating within their borders. Provide lists from international intelligence to each host and demand extradition and surrender within 10 days.
7.) DEMAND the destruction of all terrorist resources located within the borders of each host country.
8.) DEMAND Coalition Troops supervise and execute the destruction of all terrorist resources (camps,houses,weapons,literature,etc)
9.) If all conditions are not met within 10 days, each host will be invaded and occupied by force, and the host government will be removed and replaced with a temporary UN governemnt until free elections can be conducted.
10.) If cooperation with the conditions is completed, all assets will be released minus the deducted cost of international coalition operational expenses incurred.
This type of plan would decrease the impending urgency to respond in a military fashion, and deter hostilities, and also reduce the number of casualties on both sides if met with resistance.